Company Overview
Webconsuls is a web design and digital marketing agency backed by over two decades of online experience. As a full-service marketing agency, we offer an array of services that help businesses establish a greater online presence.
Scholarship Details
A $500 scholarship will be awarded by Webconsuls for the Spring semester and a $500 scholarship will be awarded for the Fall semester. The deadline for submission is July 1 and December 1 of each year, with the winner announced by July 15 and December 15 of each year.

Scholarship Requirements
The Webconsuls scholarship will be awarded to an individual pursuing higher education in any field related to technology or marketing. The individual must be attending school at a post-secondary institution in the upcoming semester.
Application Process
Applicants must write a 500-1,000 word essay detailing why they deserve the scholarship and how it will help them achieve their goals. Email the completed essay to, and please include the following information in the email:
- Full Name
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- The name of your school
- Proof that you are attending or will be attending a post-secondary institution
- Your area of study