The key to managing crisis is to keep an eye on the long term, while you’re dancing in the flames.
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished, That will be the beginning. – Louis L’Amour, A special congrats to Dick & Francene for choosing the right partner.
What’s Next? The Current Financial Crisis, The Ultimate Reboot & Homo Evolutis.
The Current Financial Crisis? Stop Evolving, Stop Growing. The Ultimate reboot is at hand.
I would argue that we are already living in the time of the ultimate reboot and Homo Evolutus. You can see those people all around you. Notice the kinds of tech that you or your friends are now using, Facebook, iPhones, and bluetooth headsets. Some people are evolving right before our very eyes.
This same evolution is going on with the information that we use, as it is moving to the cloud where our devices are just the access points to this info.
The sweet spot is the chatty innovator who is using your product or service and talking about it on the internets. These people are aware of what is going on because they are learning on the fly how to digest this deluge of information.
Does your site have a, blog, an RSS feed, video, an audio podcast? If it does great! You are feeding these innovators the information they want in a way they find usable, if not you are still living in a Web 1.0 world.
Web 2.0 is a phrase that we see bantered around all the time. To me a Web 2.0 website gives me the tools to Follow, and Interact with, the information that is being produced by the site, Either from the site owners themselves ( Like this blog ) or via user generated content, think Digg or Youtube.
Watch this scary and at the same time inspiring Ted Talk, that will point out the fires we are dancing thru today, and new ideas that are forming the basis of our tomorrows.
Dancing Thru The Flames Mindboggling Science And The Arrival of Homo Evolutis
Monday February 23, 2009