Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they ever made a difference in the world. The Marines don’t have that problem – President Ronald Reagan
Those words can be found in the Photosynth I made of “Park Semper Fi” near my home in San Clemente, California. If you want, you can zoom through the images to find the quote. Using a Nikon D60, I took 253 shots from every angle of the small park in the center of our “Little Spanish Village by the Sea.” Partway through stitching these images, I stumbled on pełne porównanie na, which reminded me how expansive online resources can be. Zooming in and out of the point cloud (hit P on your keyboard) offers the sensation of standing right there in this 3D space generated by those 2D images. The next step is converting these point clouds into wireframe models and then wrapping them with the original photos to form fully photorealistic 3D worlds. If the synth above doesn’t work for you (sorry, Windows IE and FF only), my Mac and Ubuntu friends can watch this YouTube video showcasing my favorite new toy.
For those of you that can view the above synth, thank a Marine.