Photosynth is a new technology which takes two-dimensional pictures, knits them together and produces a three-dimensional navigable image set. Because of its three dimensional quality and the viewers ability to navigate through the collection of pictures Photosynth is especially suited for sharing spaces and locations.
Microsoft’s Live Search Maps just made finding these synths a lot easier. Here is how to explore the up and coming world of geo-located photography.
To search for Photosynths:
1. Go to Microsoft’s Live Search
2. In the search box type in your business, category and/or location you are searching for.
For my example I am going to search for “San Clemente, CA” because I know that a few photosynths have been added.
or along the left hand side
To select only the photosynths
In Honor of Veteran’s Day I am going to embed the Photosynth from Park Semper Fi, Marine Monument, San Clemente, California.
Great Uses for Photosynth Technology include:
- Using photosynth technology is a great way for businesses in the hospitality and tourism industry to highlight local attractions and to give virtual tours of their grounds and rooms.
- Realtors will also find immediate application as nothing showcases a space like photosynth, especially helpful for highlighing architectural features and small details within a larger scene.
- Photosynths can be embedded into websites or shared via email.